Behavioral Science

Improving Health with Data Science

Through individual behaviors, socioeconomic status and environmental factors, 80% to 90% of modifiable contributors to health occur outside of direct medical care.

Sanford Research is working to improve the health of patients and communities by using data-driven techniques and community partnerships to better understand these social determinants of health and their intersection with health care delivery.

Our areas of expertise:

  • Health services research
  • Data science
  • Substance use and addiction
  • Mental health outcomes
  • Rural Health
  • Eating disorders, obesity and bariatric surgery
  • Domestic violence

With timely access to health care data from a comprehensive rural health system, data science and analytics help direct evidence-based population health.

Our research group supports:

  • NIH funded Health Outcomes and Population Health Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (CoBRE)
  • Data Collaborative
  • Center for Biobehavioral Research

Shared Resources

Research Design and Biostatistics Core

The Research Design and Biostatistics Core provides assistance with research projects including planning and designing research studies, collecting and managing data, analyzing data, and interpreting and presenting results. We work to expand research and evaluation infrastructure and capacity for Sanford Health and its partners.

Email us or submit a Core Service Request Form.

Behavioral Economics Core

The Behavioral Economics (BE) Core advises on behavioral economics, implementation sciences, and cost effectiveness analyses to translate research findings into clinical practice.

Data Exchange Core

The Data Exchange Core provides a prioritized, resource-effective process for Sanford Health researchers and external collaborators to access healthcare data for their research needs. The mission of the Core is to effectively analyze health care data to improve health services delivery and patient outcomes. The use of electronic health records (EHR) data empowers researchers to engage in translational, sustainable, and transdisciplinary research that can influence patient health outcomes. The Core supports activities preparatory to research, research studies, and quality improvement projects that have an EHR focus. The team assists Sanford researchers and external collaborators with data access while providing guidance on legal, regulatory, and privacy regulations for de-identified and protected health information (PHI). The Center for Health Outcomes and Population Research CoBRE directly supports the Data Exchange Core.

Sanford Health News

Classes & Events

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    PROMISE Summer Camps

    Wed 12/03/25 2:00 PM - Wed 12/03/25 4:00 PM
    Sanford PROMISE Community Lab

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    PROMISE Summer Camps

    Sat 12/06/25 2:00 PM - Sat 12/06/25 4:00 PM
    Sanford PROMISE Community Lab