Pediatrics & Rare Diseases

Finding Better Treatments for Rare Disease

About 7,000 rare diseases affect 30 million Americans. Two-thirds of those affected are children.

At Sanford Research, we’re working to improve treatment of rare and pediatric diseases – neurodegenerative diseases including Batten disease, ciliary-associated disorders, kidney diseases and many more.

Our work includes:

  • Understanding the genetic, cellular and molecular development of organs and disease
  • Developing and testing effective therapies in the lab and clinical trials

By uncovering the causes of rare and childhood disorders, we can create better ways to treat them.

The Pediatrics and Rare Diseases Group supports:

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Classes & Events

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    PROMISE Summer Camps

    Wed 12/03/25 2:00 PM - Wed 12/03/25 4:00 PM
    Sanford PROMISE Community Lab

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    PROMISE Summer Camps

    Sat 12/06/25 2:00 PM - Sat 12/06/25 4:00 PM
    Sanford PROMISE Community Lab