Grants Administration

Securing Funding for Sanford Research

Grants Administration serves as a resource to identify and secure grant funding for Sanford Research and Sanford Health.

We provide services including:

  • Identifying funding opportunities
  • Supporting principal investigators and program directors with preparing and submitting grant proposals
  • Providing updates on the latest grant policies
  • Monitoring grant activities for all contracts and grants awarded form external funding sources
  • Supporting individuals already engaged in grant procurement
  • Coordinating monthly reporting of grant activity

See us for developing and coordinating grant proposals that address Sanford initiatives and community needs.


Grants Administration on Inside Sanford

The employee SharePoint site provides online resources and information for Sanford Research and Sanford Health faculty on how to request funding.

If you’re looking for external funding for a project or program, you’ll find:

  • Funding request form
  • Data request form
  • Requests for letters of support
  • Links to other grants resources
  • Contact information

Required Disclosures

Sanford Health News

Classes & Events

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    PROMISE Summer Camps

    Wed 12/03/25 2:00 PM - Wed 12/03/25 4:00 PM
    Sanford PROMISE Community Lab

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    PROMISE Summer Camps

    Sat 12/06/25 2:00 PM - Sat 12/06/25 4:00 PM
    Sanford PROMISE Community Lab