Loukil Lab

Graduate Student Mentor

Primary Research Focus

The Loukil Lab studies a tiny sensory organelle of a few microns called the primary cilium that is essential for signal transduction and embryonic development. Cilia dysfunction causes a distinct set of hereditary diseases in humans, commonly known as ciliopathies. Patients with mutations in ciliary genes often have severe neurological abnormalities ranging from brain malformations to cognitive impairments. Despite their relevance in health and disease, ciliary signaling and dynamics are still poorly understood, especially in the brain.

The Loukil Lab focuses on understanding the molecular processes that govern trafficking within the cilium and its structural stability. The team also explores how disruptions in cilia regulation affect downstream signaling pathways and lead to human disease, particularly neurological manifestations. These questions are vital for advancing knowledge of the cilium’s therapeutic potential.

The lab’s research employs a wide range of tools, including molecular biology, unbiased screening strategies (CRISPR-based, in vivo BioID), mouse models and patient cells. Additionally, the lab makes extensive use of super-resolution microscopy, live imaging and deep quantitative analysis.

Primary Research Group

Pediatrics and Rare Diseases

Open Positions

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