Pilaz Lab

Graduate Student Mentor
COBRE Project Leader

Primary Research Focus

The Pilaz lab focuses on transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms that drive neuron and neural stem cell biology during embryonic brain development. These mechanisms are essential to ensure the generation and positioning of neurons, and their disruption can lead to numerous neurodevelopmental disorders.

The Pilaz lab’s research relies on a variety of tools such as genetics, molecular biology and histology. However, the expertise of the lab lies in microscopy and live imaging in tissue. Scientists in the Pilaz lab use microscopy and live imaging in tissue, to decipher the behavior of neural cells and their cellular components, at timescales varying from milliseconds to days. Deep qualitative and quantitative image analyses serve as the bases for new questions and research projects.

While the Pilaz lab is interested in many aspects of brain development, the lab currently focuses on RNA regulation in neural cells. The life of a messenger RNA starts in the nucleus where it is transcribed, it is then exported into the cytoplasm, where it can be actively transported over long distances to locally produce proteins. Current projects in the lab focus on all these steps and the genes of interest have been linked to intellectual disabilities, autism, microcephaly and macrocephaly.

Primary Research Group

Pediatrics and Rare Diseases

About the Pilaz Lab

Lab Projects and News

Meet the Pilaz Lab