Working with the PROMISE Program: A PRN perspective

Working with the PROMISE Program: A PRN perspective

I am one year into working for the PROMISE program as their PRN research assistant. What was supposed to be just a summer internship has turned into an over year-long adventure that is ending as I enter graduate school for genetic counseling. I was excited to start this new journey in a field that I was not familiar with and the challenges it would bring. I was also nervous that I would be behind other applicants who had experience directly in the field. I shadowed and did my research on the field but was unable to find an employment opportunity within genetic counseling itself. So, with my science background and zero experience in teaching, I took a position within a science education program. Here are three lessons I learned while working at PROMISE that will help me be a better genetic counselor:
  1. Research can be hard to understand

As someone with a biology degree and lots of experience reading scientific journals, I still must read journals at least twice to really understand what is going on. This is after four years of school, learning specifically how to understand these papers (along with research work). We often forget that what has become common knowledge to us, is often new and difficult information for others. When working on my lesson plan for the upcoming school year, I took much feedback from my coworkers on how to communicate new scientific knowledge in a way that was coherent, concise, and clear. This lesson and practice will serve me well in genetic counseling and would serve any healthcare worker as well. 

  1. Your coworkers want you to succeed

While working at PROMISE, I have always felt supported in my school, athletics, and ambitions by my coworkers. They introduced me to genetic counselors, researchers, and people in the community. I had the opportunity through these connections to ask questions about the career and get advice on interviews and application materials. I had opportunities to work with researchers to learn about what they do and how to amplify their message. 

  1. Healthcare wants new perspectives

One thing that I heard during my interviews was that they were glad that I took lessons from a seemingly unrelated job and applied it to genetic counseling. Many professionals agree that healthcare needs to be diversified. The importance of having healthcare providers who see things from different perspectives and are influenced by different backgrounds is paramount. Your employers and interviewers will appreciate it if you are able to take lessons from most any opportunity and learn a lesson you can apply to your dream career. 

Don’t be afraid to take opportunities that you are interested in just because they are not directly related to your future career. If you can learn lessons from the experience that make you a better professional, interviewers and employers will appreciate that as you enter your career. Develop your perspectives and diversify your viewpoints through different experiences that set you apart from other applicants. If you are a current college student looking for a job, consider applying to work at PROMISE. You may be surprised by what you will learn.

PROMISE is currently hiring for this PRN position. Click here to apply!