Biomedical Research Investigation Days

The Sanford PROMISE team works tirelessly to help students engage in hands on science. Our Biomedical Research Investigation (BRI) programs allow students to engage in science as an elective activity.

Our Biomedical Research Investigation Days allow students to come to Sanford Research for a whole day's research experience. This experience is designed to take someone with no knowledge of a topic and get them up to speed by the end of the session. At the end of each session, students have an opportunity to discuss with real scientists the work they are currently doing. These activities cover a broad range because we have students from 9th to 12th grade signing up. Some of the students have taken advanced science courses and are excited about heading into a science career. Some are just sticking a toe in the water because they have been encouraged by an adult or plain curiosity. These diverse groups of students get a chance to learn about science while making friendships with other science-minded people

Sanford PROMISE has been producing BRI experiences since 2015, so if you have followed the PROMISE team for a while you may have heard of our past events. The 2021-2022 series falls on no-school days November 11th, December 23rd, and February 21st. Our first two events attracted 18 attendees from several schools to spend the day at Sanford Research (8am-3pm).

The 2021-2022 school year BRI event engaged students in metabolic pathways, focusing on enzymatic function. We stayed engaged with the following activities:

  1. Quantification of catalase enzyme's reaction speeds.

  1. Elaboration of a case study in which disruption of a metabolic pathway halts cholesterol production.

  1. Discussion of education pathways over lunch with PhD students at Sanford Research. 

  1. Investigation of C. elegans including data gathering alongside scientists studying metabolic pathways.

BRI events have been taking students along the pathway of discovery for many years now. Students get exposure to the joy and frustrations caused by research, and they are getting involved in science within their own lives. We always ask the students for feedback and hope that we can make each incarnation of this event better.

Hear what students are saying about BRI day:

“I really liked all the information and things that I learned here. I think it was really well designed and put together.”

--Female age 17

“I really loved talking with Hannah and Brandon during lunch because they are doing pretty much exactly what I want to get into. “

--Female age 18  

Loved seeing the worms! I also enjoyed the hands-on experiences!

--Female age 15